The FREI families

Every family is made up of many related families.  They did not start out related, but as every family is usually the joining of two previously unrelated families, the circle grows with every generation.

Bill Frei's grandparents were Josef and Julia (Walters) Frei, and Thomas and Elizabeth (Anderson) Roberts.  Already we have 4 surnames.  Nancy Russell's grandparents were Frank and Mary Etta (Teeple) Russell, and Henry and Friedrike (Witte) Wolff - bringing the total to 8 surnames already.  As we go back in time, the number grow exponentially.  Then we start going down to the families who became part of the FreiGuy legacy when the children of all of these couples married.

I will not attempt at this point to define the links - simply list the surnames at the left and provide brief histories of each.  Please note that this page is under construction - it may not all work correctly yet.

Bill and Nancy - 50th photo . . .   Family at 50th . . .
4 generations of Frei . . .   Nancy and kids 1958 . . .
 I have prepared a new 12-generation report for Bill & Nancy. 
Download it below and email Bob for the password needed to open it.
12 Generation Genealogy Report (as of January 2009)